Founder : Hari Andri Winarso
Wolves are legendary because of their spine-tingling howl, which they use to communicate. A lone wolf howls to attract the attention of his pack, while communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to another. Some howls are confrontational. Much like barking domestic dogs, wolves may simply begin howling because a nearby wolf has already begun.
The main property of Power Wolf Essence is about healthy relationships. Power Wolf Essence has benefits :
Brings you to balance between independence and being with others, between honouring own needs and those of others.
Brings you loyalty without losing the personal in integrity.
Finding freedom in relationship.
Friendliness and socialibility.
Keeping clear boundaries with others.
Strength of character, spirit, and stamina.
Senggoro Macan Inner Power by Hari- Javanese Protection against accidents, psychic attack, black magic, develops will power, courage
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
Senggoro Macon is a Javanese mystic term by taking the charisma and power of a tiger because when a tiger issue its roar the prey cannot move anywhere.
Senggoro Macan Inner Power is a simple method to transfer the magical abilities of Senggoro Macan using this inner power.
Senggoro Macon has the following virtues:
Protection Against Accidents, psychic attacks, black magic
Develops the Will Power and Courage
Increases ones authorative power
The power to influence others
and more
There are three levels.
This system is particularily good for those who are company leaders, business men/women, police, and is helpful for any profession, any gender.
God Vibration Mastery Sequence- God Vibration Mastery 1 from Hari Winarso
God Vibration Mastery Sequence - God Vibration Mastery 1 From Hari Winarso Vibration Mastery Sequences will clear/cleanse and remove any negative energies/vibrations and replace them with more harmonious and positive energies/vibrations. Normal clearing and cleansing practices can leave a void which may leave it open to attract energies negative or positive. Using intent you can fill this void with energies that you wish to attract. Negative energy is absorbed into the walls, furniture etc. and, when consistent negativity is released a toxic build-up can occur. A house where the occupants, for example, quarrel will build up this negativity. A similar situation can occur if you take over premises where the previous occupier had financial problems. These negative energies remain as a vibration until they are cleared.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will help people to realize the "GOD" within themselves. At each sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences consist many attunements and activations are all about connecting to one's GOD presence within and bringing that energy or force through our vehicle for its divine expression. As we do this, it anchors this high blissful energy to this world.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences are a part of GOD's plan to assist us with our evolution and mastery of the GOD within and to bring this "heaven" here to earth.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences also bring our life into :
Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Tranquillity, Wisdom, Spiritual Growth, Harmony, Miracles, Magic, Serenity, Healing, Humor, Truth Play, Power, Romance, Trust, Adventure, Manifestation, Patience, Friendship, Blessings, Simplicity, Communication, Courage, Creativity, Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Faith, Flexibility, Freedom, Forgiveness, Inspiration, Intuition, Light, Purpose, Responsibility, Strength, Understanding, etc.
The first sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences or called God Vibration Mastery 1. This sequence consists of :
Cosmic Soul Alignment. Quantum Energetic Fields Attunement. Harmonic Laws Of God Attunement. Shield & Sword Of Divine Flame. Balance and Harmony Of God Alignment. New Templates Attunement. Journey Acceleration Attunement. Divine Will Empowerment. Healer Legions Of God. Divine Tune – Up. True Self Attunement. .
You will receive 1 distance attunement, pdf manual sent by email and 1 certificate with lineage for all systems purchased at one time.
God Vibration Mastery Sequences - God Vibration Mastery 2 - From Hari Andri Winarso
God Vibration Mastery Sequences - God Vibration Mastery 2 - From Hari Andri Winarso Pre-requiste: God Vibration Mastery 1
God Vibration Mastery Sequences will clear/cleanse and remove any negative energies/vibrations and replace them with more harmonious and positive energies/vibrations. Normal clearing and cleansing practices can leave a void which may leave it open to attract energies negative or positive. Using intent you can fill this void with energies that you wish to attract. Negative energy is absorbed into the walls, furniture etc. and, when consistent negativity is released a toxic build-up can occur. A house where the occupants, for example, quarrel will build up this negativity. A similar situation can occur if you take over premises where the previous occupier had financial problems. These negative energies remain as a vibration until they are cleared.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will help people to realize the "GOD" within themselves. At each sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences consist many attunements and activations are all about connecting to one's GOD presence within and bringing that energy or force through our vehicle for its divine expression. As we do this, it anchors this high blissful energy to this world.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences are a part of GOD's plan to assist us with our evolution and mastery of the GOD within and to bring this "heaven" here to earth.
The God Vibration Mastery Sequences also bring our life into :
Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Tranquillity, Wisdom, Spiritual Growth, Harmony, Miracles, Magic, Serenity, Healing, Humor, Truth Play, Power, Romance, Trust, Adventure, Manifestation, Patience, Friendship, Blessings, Simplicity, Communication, Courage, Creativity, Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Faith, Flexibility, Freedom, Forgiveness, Inspiration, Intuition, Light, Purpose, Responsibility, Strength, Understanding, etc.
The second sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences or called “God Vibration Mastery II”. You can take this sequence minimum 3 days after you take the God Vibration Mastery I. You will not receive chi ball until 3 days after you take level 1. This sequence consist of :
Cosmic Rays Of Light. Divine Love Powers Attunement. Holy Spirit Attunement. I AM Presence Initiation & Alignment. Radiance Of God Attunement. White Light Body Attunement. Omniverse Attunement. Passion Of God. Magical Powers Attunement. Omnipotence & Omniscience Empowerment. Manifestation Of God. .You will receive distant attunement, pdf manual and 1 certificate for all courses sent at one time.
DNA Light Integrative Awaken Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Desires From Hari Winarso
DNA Light Integrative Awaken Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Desires From Hari Winarso DNA Light Integrative is an activation process in which the dormant DNA mankind was created with is activated once again. DNA Light Integrative Attunements restores our original psychic abilities and our abilities to manifest our desires very quickly. DNA Light Integrative Attunements results in rapid spiritual evolution as all of our spiritual gifts and psychic abilities awaken one by one.
With DNA Light Integrative we become genetically hardwired to be psychic. With DNA Light Integrative we develop the ability to manifest what we need. Once your DNA is Activated with the DNA Light Integrative, the activation will replicate through your body for 3 to 6 months. From there your spiritual vibration constantly increases resulting in the rapid emergence of your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities.
One final note on DNA Light Integrative. For those who are on the spiritual path, DNA Light Integrative essentially puts you on the fast track for spiritual evolution. One can spiritually achieve in three to ten years what takes most individuals a life time. For example, most of us have one spiritual ability like Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensing), & Prophetic Knowing (Claircognizance). After the first few years it is possible for an individual to have access to all of these abilities. You will also feel totally connected to Mother/Father/God/Goddess/Source of All That Is and feel a constant inner peace and sense of well being.
DNA Light Integrative Attunement’s Levels consist of 4 attunements :
Anchoring Light Attunement Genetic Encoding Attunement Universal Love Attunement Divine Blueprint Attunement .
Everyone who have taken all attunements of DNA Light Integrative called “DNA Light Integrative Practitioner and will be a registered teacher. You will receive 4 distance chi ball attunements, 1 pdf manual and 1 certificate
Raja Besi Inner Power Practitioner Level by Hari Andri Winarso
Inner Power is a popular concept in Southeast Asia particularily Indonesia and Malaysia Inner Power- this is the strength within you that you can used it to help you to go through your daily life. Inner Power also call ki, chi, subconcious, inner energy, reiki, prana and many more.
Everyone have this power within but one need to seek and find it in his self then only can used it in daily life. The demonstration of this power is very amazing - people heal other with this inner energy, people do amazing feat such as walking through fire or glasses, people float and levitate and many more.
This inner energy to help us to reduce stress, to be more relax and be confident with ourself.
Raja Besi Inner Power helps you to strengthen and protect your physical power, immune system and stamina. Protect yourself from enemies and aggressors. Weaken aggressors as soon as they enter your force field. Raise your authority bearing. Create stronger force in punches and kicks. Protection yourself from psychic attacks, black magic, weapons and fire. Strike aggressors so that they fall unconscious. You will be more powerful after initiation.
There are two levels, practitioner and master levels. This includes the practitioner level only. Also included are the practitioner manual and chi ball attunement. Lineage and certificate available upon request.
Raja Besi Inner Power MASTER Level by Hari Andri Winarso
Inner Power is a popular concept in Southeast Asia particularily Indonesia and Malaysia Inner Power- this is the strength within you that you can used it to help you to go through your daily life. Inner Power also call ki, chi, subconcious, inner energy, reiki, prana and many more.
Everyone have this power within but one need to seek and find it in his self then only can used it in daily life. The demonstration of this power is very amazing - people heal other with this inner energy, people do amazing feat such as walking through fire or glasses, people float and levitate and many more.
This inner energy to help us to reduce stress, to be more relax and be confident with ourself.
Raja Besi Inner Power helps you to strengthen and protect your physical power, immune system and stamina. Protect yourself from enemies and aggressors. Weaken aggressors as soon as they enter your force field. Raise your authority bearing. Create stronger force in punches and kicks. Protection yourself from psychic attacks, black magic, weapons and fire. Strike aggressors so that they fall unconscious. You will be more powerful after initiation.
There are two levels, practitioner and master levels. This includes the MASTER level only. Also included are the practitioner manual and chi ball attunement. Lineage and certificate available upon request.
PUSAKA DEWA RAJA BRANA - Increase your Wealth, Business, Success, Dreams, Deflect Negative Energies/Thought Forms, Prosper Business, Attract Luck
Pusaka Dewa Raja Brana is very suitable for business users or those who are seeking to increase their wealth, business success and dreams. Apart from attracting wealth this term will greatly assist one to deal and interact with people on a daily basis, to deflect negative energies from one self and negative thought forms directed by people who are jealous of you.
With the power of this term you will find you efforts are not wasted and business will prosper, you will notice that new opportunities will become easily available to you and your path of success will be easier to attain. Pusaka Dewa Raja Brana will assist you to attract luck constantly from all points and directions of the compass. People will find it easier to trust you and this is one of the biggest keys to success in businesses . If your business is failing or at the brink of bankruptcy the magickal power of this term will assist in reviving your business and stabilising its flow of income .
The virtues of this term are presented below :
•Gain trust easily from your business associates
•Open the path to success
•Attracts unexpected windfalls of luck
•Increase sales and business income
•Neutralize Negative energies from your aura and ward of bad luck and danger
•you will gain popularity and status of professionalism
•with this magickal power you will gain advantage over your competitors
•Neutralize negative thought forms directed to you by competitors
•Easily solve big problems and turn them into small issues
•Always become lucky in any endeavours you carry out
•Solve problem easily
This is a Javanese Mystical and Magickal energy
Super Cells Youthful Care channeled and designed to do both these things. This extraordinary substance uses the healing energy of the Super Cells Youthful Care to reawaken our cells to their blueprints. Super Cells Youthful Care also keeps the cells’ attention focused on their blueprints and thus helps reestablish the cells’ adaptability. This effectively reverses the negative effects of aging and lets us tap into our inner reservoir of radiant vitality.
Unhealthy cells are like a person in a dark forest who cannot see the path that could lead back into the sunshine. Like a compass pointing north, Super Cells Youthful Care energy turns the cells’ attention toward their blueprints so that they can see their way out of their predicament of ill health. When the cells become aware of their blueprints, they are reminded of their highest potential for health. They can see what they are aiming for. Given this chance, the cells naturally and spontaneously work to attain the highest degree of health possible.
Super Cells Youthful Care also brings awareness. Super Cells Youthful Care reawakens the cells to the presence of their blueprints. At the same time, it helps the cells keep their attention focused there. This further encourages the cells to accept the blueprints’ information so they can begin their return to glowing health.
Super Cells Youthful Care is a great and simple way to help us unlock the secrets of longevity. By stimulating our cells’ capacity for self-renewal, Super Cells Youthful Care can halt, and even reverse, the negative effects of aging. Working Super Cells Youthful Care can help us reap the reward that growing older is meant to provide: a deepening and expansion of our capacity for life. Super Cells Youthful Care awakens the wisdom deep.
You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual.
Ilmu Cahaya Langit Practitioner and Master Levels by Hari Andri Winarso - open the heart to see God's light!
Ilmu Cahaya Langit by Hari Andri Winarso
This course is not available for any buy and get free offers or packages.
The Ilmu Chahaya Langit has many benefits, such as open the heart to be able to see the God's light, to always remember Him, to always surrender to Him, to always get adequate sustenance (abundance and prosperity), protect us from any negativities and invulnerable weapons.
Ilmu cahaya Langit means “light of God”. This empowerment increases one’s connection to the Creator and produces a very high level of spiritual authority, which makes all beings obedient to you. This improves all manner of spiritual workings. It is the highest Ilmu available as it works directly with God.
There are two levels:
Practitioner and Master.
After receiving the Master level you are authorized to pass onto others. You can receive the Master level seven days after the practitioner level.
You will receive both distant attunements, two manuals, and the certificate.
Visva Shakti Combo - All 3 Levels - by Hari Andri Winarso
Visva Shakti consist of 2 words, that is Visva = Universe ; Shakti = Power. So, Visva Shakti has a meaning “The Power of Universe”.
Visva Shakti is a transformational universal life force energy and shakti healing technique that merges touch and intent. The Visva Shakti practitioner's focused intent affects changes that bring about healing for the recipient. The practitioner's touch is used to identify areas on the body that need attention. Visva Shakti is a tool that brings about shifts in the consciousness. It appears to be more about "clearing away" old ideas that block energy or "getting out of the way" and letting energy take its natural path.
It is a process for life and healing based on a powerful evolutionary therapeutic approach that seeks the integration of all aspects of our humanity -- the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual.
Visva Shakti is based on a deep understanding of the ways in which energy and consciousness work together in the transformative process of healing. This is achieved gradually by bringing consciousness, movement and, ultimately, transformation to the core's overlying defensive structures.
The result is the release of a vast amount of energy, creating vitality, greater life fulfillment, joy and pleasure.
Visva Shakti using 4 energies that work together when you activate and work with this Visva Shakti, that is :
Earth Element Energy. Shakti. Prana. Inner Heat. .
Visva Shakti has 3 levels and in every levels you will find difference energy patterns and the energy will increased.
1st Level : In the 1st Level, Initiation will open, clears and activate your 7 Major Chakras and 3 Nadis, activate 1st level of Visva Shakti energy. This level consist of 4 energy patterns. .
2nd Level : At this 2nd level, the Visva Shakti energy will increased 1000 times more than the 1st level. Initiation will open and activate 365 Chakras and 72.000 Nadis. The aura will be more stronger and brightness. This level contain of 6 energy patterns .
3rd Level: This is the Master Level. At this level, your aura will be very stronger and bright. And you can give intiations for others. This level contains 5 energy patterns.
You will receive three attunements and the manual.
Lineage and certificate available upon request
Shen Energy by Hari Andri Winarso - dissolves old heart pain, heart cleansing strenghtening, promotes unconditional love, embrace divinity and more
Shen Energy is a high spiritual energy, where it dissolves old heart pain and encourages us to truly embrace the 'spirit of the heart'.
Shen Energy is a very powerful heart cleanser and strengthener for those who must learn the deeper spiritual lessons of love and freedom. Close and intimate relationships will be difficult and painful. Those on the outside will see that many of their trails and tributations will be self-inflicted, although those at the centre will not be able to understand this intellectually because powerful emotions will cloud any calm and rational thoughts. This energy promotes the ability to love unconditionally.
In traditional Chinese, Shen is often translated as "God". Shen Energy Attunement assist the individual using it to embrace their divinity and to radiate Light.
The Shen Energy brings us to Love, Light, Laughter, Joy. It is an energy of Peace, Allowing, Embracing, Acceptance. It is Comfort, Ease, and Enthusiasm.
Shen Energy kindles a space/time in our consciousness where we are able to respond from our hearts with generosity and ease.
The primary effect of this attunement is to raise the vibrational frequency of the heart centre to its highest range. It promotes self worth and lends new meaning to the dignity of being human. It allows us to interact with each other with grace, ease, and compassion. It is much needed on the earth plane at this time.
You will receive manual and attunement by chi ball call in method.
Lineage and or certificate avail upon request.
Lotus Body Vibration by Hari Andri Winarso- clarify channeled messages, link to universal wisdom, faciliates out of body experiences and more
Lotus Body Vibration attunes you to a high spiritual vibration and assists in clarifying channelled messages and impressions received from the higher planes. It assist in linking to the universal wisdom embodied in ancient texts, it enhances communication and understanding of wisdom at any level.
Lotus Body Vibration facilitates out of body experiences, guiding the soul to its destination and promoting total recall of the experience. Lotus Body Vibration imparts urgency to spiritual evolution, speeding up the ability to move between multidimensional levels of consciousness and attuning the physical body to the changing vibration.
Lotus Body Vibration is an excellent stone for facilitating deep change and for leaving the past behind. It can act as a karmic cleanser particularly for the heart, releasing miasms and mental imperatives that have been carried forward. It starts the soul off on a new direction.
When meditated with, Lotus Body Vibration facilitates the retrieval of information encoded in the subtle DNA, retrieving ancestral patterns and events, and the soul and far memory.
You will receive attunement by chi ball call in method and manual in pdf format.
Certificate and lineage available upon request.
Lotus Healer by Hari Andri Winarso - activate cellular regeneration, assists all disorders in physical, mental and emotional bodies, open heart chakra
Lotus Healer emits a profound healing vibration and facilitates the energetic activation of cellular regeneration. Renders assistance to disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and mental structure. It is said to assist in opening the heart chakra.
It can used in balancing the physical body as well, but the greatest affects will be felt in the spiritual development that occurs. Lotus Healer's energy realign the energy centers, relieve energy blockage, stimulate Qi energy, ground, center and protect. It benificial to treat physical instabilities in the veins, muscles, arteries, bone loss, Rna/Dna balancing, immune system and cellular renewal.
Lotus Healer Works on the heart and lungs by helping to withdraw toxins and activates the absorption of nutrients and oxygen. Relaxes one's overall nature. It can be used to clear clouded areas of the chakras.
You will receive manual, attunement by chi ball call in method.
Lineage and Certificate available upon request.
Pure Green Energy Flush by Hari - Activates Chakras -Protective, Absorbs Polution, Sheilds against radioactivity, clears the Chakras, more
Pure Green Energy Flush great to absorbs energy, draws emotions to the surface, clears and activates the Chakras. It is very deep energy cleaning.
Pure Green Energy Flush helps our acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and surpessed feelings. This flush's ability to draw out negative energy can assist in discovering the energy blocks and patterns that may be causing physical disease.
Pure Green Energy Flush is also highly protective energy, it absorbs pollution and shields against radioactivity.
DNA Light Integrative Awaken Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Desires From Hari Winarso
DNA Light Integrative Awaken Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Desires From Hari Winarso DNA Light Integrative is an activation process in which the dormant DNA mankind was created with is activated once again. DNA Light Integrative Attunements restores our original psychic abilities and our abilities to manifest our desires very quickly. DNA Light Integrative Attunements results in rapid spiritual evolution as all of our spiritual gifts and psychic abilities awaken one by one.
With DNA Light Integrative we become genetically hardwired to be psychic. With DNA Light Integrative we develop the ability to manifest what we need. Once your DNA is Activated with the DNA Light Integrative, the activation will replicate through your body for 3 to 6 months. From there your spiritual vibration constantly increases resulting in the rapid emergence of your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities.
One final note on DNA Light Integrative. For those who are on the spiritual path, DNA Light Integrative essentially puts you on the fast track for spiritual evolution. One can spiritually achieve in three to ten years what takes most individuals a life time. For example, most of us have one spiritual ability like Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensing), & Prophetic Knowing (Claircognizance). After the first few years it is possible for an individual to have access to all of these abilities. You will also feel totally connected to Mother/Father/God/Goddess/Source of All That Is and feel a constant inner peace and sense of well being.
DNA Light Integrative Attunement’s Levels consist of 4 attunements :
Anchoring Light Attunement Genetic Encoding Attunement Universal Love Attunement Divine Blueprint Attunement .
Everyone who have taken all attunements of DNA Light Integrative called “DNA Light Integrative Practitioner and will be a registered teacher. You will receive 4 distance chi ball attunements, 1 pdf manual and 1 certificate
Clear Matrix Energetic by Hari Andri Winarso
Effective Integrator of energy at any level, it heightens the energetic impulse of healing energies and is a very efficient vibrational healer. It is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters energy from client and at same time supports their energy field during emotional release and confrontation with the darker aspects of psyche. It gives protection against psychic attack. It can be used in past life healing to draw off disease from past and promote insights into events of past lives affecting present. Illuminator for the Soul - Promotes spiritual growth. Cleanses and energizes Aura. Aids in Astral travel, scrying and channeling. Breaks down barriers to spiritual progress. Helpful for cronic conditions, impotence and infertility. Excellent for exhaustion, respiratory tract, brochittis, tyroid, parasites, regeneration in cells, and repairing torn tissues.
You will receive manual, distant attunement and certificate upon request.
Great White Light is an excellent energy and wonderful modality. Great White Light works in the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.
Great White Light opens and stimulates the Heart Chakra, allowing one's consciousness to enter one's Heart centre so that one can fully integrate the energy of love on all levels and know one's "inner truth".
The high vibrational energy of Great White Light activates the Heart Chakra, so that one radiates a strong loving energy out from one's Heart centre to fill all of one's being.
Great White Light helps one to become emotionally stable and strong, dispelling low vibrational emotional energies. It allows one to radiate love to others and to become what we really are, enlightened, loving beings.
Great White Light allowing one to communicate with higher dimensional guides and masters, and enhancing one's inner/ spiritual vision. It opens and activates the Crown Chakra, so it will allowing one to receive information and guidance from the higher dimensions and connects one to one's soul and in turn to one's monad.
Great White Light helps one to raise one's vibrations and integrate the higher frequency energies on all levels of one's being. It helps one bring into alignment the energies of one's lower and higher energetic bodies thus aiding one with the Ascension process.
You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual
Dragons Blood Energy Infusion by Hari - Experience FULL manifestation in your life's path!
Dragons Blood Energy Infusion is a great system who has a wonder free energy for full manifestation of our life's path. It helps us hold our reality to our desires by manifesting energy into physical form. It removes any blockages that keep us from aligning with our Higher Self. It is an ideal energetic tool for creative people and business owners by helping them actualize their dreams and create prosperity. Dragons Blood Energy Infusion is for attracting abundance and wealth and more.
You will receive distant attunement, manual and certificate.
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
Iron Body Protection by Hari - Protective - Sends ill will or evil intent back to the sender thrice fold, discordant situations, lack of control, more
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
With your purchase you will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.
Iron Body Protection is a powerful energy for protection and some other forms of benefits. This is a modality that will help one to develop in all areas relative to service, as well, it brings the value pf assistance to the forefront of the conscious mind. It is quite helpful in gaining certainty in our decisions and with taking control of our actions.
The Iron Body Protection is thought to be protective ; Is not only to be protective, but to send the ill-will or evil intent back to the sender thrice-fold !
It also brings with it an air of grounding to the students and to boost self-esteem. Iron Body Protection is thought especially helpful in discordant situations where the students feels they lack control and/or lose their center in the given situation. Iron Body Protection bring the body into perfect pH balance, which is helpful in many an ailment.
ISHANA VAJRA NATH by Hari Andri Winarso - Be a True Co-Creator who Manifests All that you Think of - Activate the Co-Creator within!
Ishana Vajra Nath is not eligible for any buy and get free offers and is not offered in any packages.
Everyone has the power within them to be a true co-creator who manifests all that they think of. This attunement process makes that happen! To that end, it is a great tool for spiritual growth as it will teach you to discipline your thoughts like nothing else. You have heard it said that you should be careful what you wish for? Well, Ishana will make those wishes come true, and often almost immediately. Ishana Vajra Nath™ means Rays of God that govern the universe. The universe refers to the world of human beings (Micro-Cosmic)-human life. Ishana Vajra Nath™ is energy which is centered in the Anahata Chakra. This energy is able to restore or activate the actual and natural ability of human as a Co-Creator; it restores and activates the natural ability of humans to create and to manifest all of the things they have in mind. After obtaining the activation, Ishana Vajra Nath™ will work automatically and continuously in the practitioners body as a protector, and working in all the things done by practitioners in daily life such as healing, business, career, love and other relationships. In Ishana Vajra Nath™ there is no special training required, after receiving the activation, the Ishana Vajra Nath energy will flow and work constantly, especially working at the time when needed. Ishana Vajra Nath™ has four main groups, That is :
There are six levels in Ishana, at each level of energy in the Anahata Chakra at an Ishana will be activated and become stronger at every level. Ishana activation is performed by level with an interval of seven days for each level. Alternatively it could be done in a single level of activation for 1st level to 3rd level of Ishana and then seven days later for 4th - 6th level of Ishana, It depends on the policy of the Ishana Vajra or Ishana Vajra Rudra or Ishana Vajra Shiva who gave the activation. These six attunements, and all of the other Ishana attunements take a great amount of time, attention and prayer to set up properly, and so the cost is higher than that of other attunements. And, the rewards of receiving the attunements are also much greater as well.
You will receive the manual, distant attunements and a certificate.
Energy Cords Remover Device - By Hari Winarso- Remove All Cords developed through all lifetimes to present lifetime
Energy Cords Remover Device Everytime we have a physical contact, especially emotional contact with anyone, in the same time, we create an attachment point to them. A cord of energy goes from our energy field to theirs and we are maintaining energy exchange with them - not always a desirable effect.
The strongest energetic attachments are usually created between mother and child. Although at first necessary - they may become a source of problems if not released naturally.
These energy cord usually attach to a particular chakra of the body and generally to our energy field. The energy exchange continues regardless of a distance or our desire to maintain it. The other person has some of our energy and we have some of his/hers. We are influencing each other, often in negative ways.
But, not only by contact with others, the cord is created. Our limitations is also created the cords in ours. We are all products of our own limitations, limitations created over many lifetimes. Throughout all of our past lives, we were constantly faced with challenges that have created the framework of our being.
Energy Cords Remover Device becoming a very useful energetic tool that will assist in removing all cords that over time developed and remained with us through all of these lifetimes and into the present.
Earth Star Radiance - for sparkle, liveliness, zest for life, supports lower chakras, brings feelings of stability
EarthStar Super Radiance is a strong modality and energy to heal the earth, and to heal us, both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the Base chakra and the Earth chakra to release excess energy and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.
The radiance of these energy aids us to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of EarthStar will balance and support our lower chakras and provide us with a feeling of stability within our life.
This energy has an excellent radiance for allowing us to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. It may aid us to be more patient and to be more content about our life circumstances. It may relieve anger and resentment and help us if we have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings.
EarthStar Super Radiance give us useful ways to relieve stress and when we are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of our life, these energy may be particularly helpful.
EarthStar Super Radiance help to clear the auric field of disharmony, then balance our chakras.It may bring our vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit. Once it has succeeded in raising our vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.
These energetic tool have a strong healing vibration and will work within all chakras. It will clear and balance the chakras as the energy flows out into our auric field.
EarthStar Super Radiance creates an impressive result, because it distributes energy and light outwards to create an amazing energetic charge. This strong field of light will then flow out into our aura. The result is a deep sense of peace and harmony. Any energy blockages that may originate from past life issues that have not been resolved, may then be able to be healed.
The treatment / healing of it will help you to release disharmony and stress and aid the healing of physical problems, including aches and pains. EarthStar Super Radiance is also help to aid the immune system and to help with calcium absorption. It bring an influx of energy into the body creating increased sparkle, liveliness, endurance and zest for life.
You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 emailed pdf manual.